Monday, August 10, 2009


So I have officially quit Wal-Mart (about a week and a half ago) because I needed more time to prep for university but knowing me, I didn't do anything but procrastinate -____-". For the past week I was knitting, well attempting to, so far I have one mitten but it's pretty bad, the thumb space can fit about two thumbs and the hand space is really tight BUT I used recycled yarn =D which is always exciting and awesome! Then after my failed attempt at knitting a came across this really neat site: click here their shirt designs are really original! So I got all excited and decide to participate and design my own shirt but definitely does not look as good as the printed ones, below is a picture of it. I find that it's kind of empty or chunky so if you want to critique it and help me out =D click here.I'm working on another one right now, I'll post it up when I'm done =3. But I really need to prep =[ so after this design I don't think I'll have time to do anymore because I need to hit the books =[ some summer... and I guess I'll have to change my occupation to starving unemployed student...

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