Monday, January 4, 2010

Holiday Recap

I have to admit, the holidays went by extremely fast but I always find time to bake, even if exams are going on =P I made chocolate cupcakes and even decorated them when I really should have studied for my chem final (I guess that's why I got such a crappy mark). However, they were delicious, here's the recipe and pictures of my cupcakes:

Chocolate Cupcakes:
adapted from
Joy of Baking

1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup boiling water
1 1/3 cup all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

1/2 cup unsalted butter, rm temp.
1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup walnut, chopped

1. Stir boiling water and cocoa powder in small bowl, let it cool to rm

2. Whisk flour, baking powder, and salt in separate bowl.
3. In another bowl, whisk butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg
one at a time and vanilla extract.
4. Add flour mixture to butter mixture, then add cocoa mixture.

5. Bake for 16-20 minutes at 375 F.

Right after my exam, I started packing to move out of my suite and lucky for me I had Alana and Jenn to help me. I never realized how much stuff I brought and accumulated over the past four months. My car was really packed, I barely had room to sit :]

Then I headed to Ottawa to visit Janet :] Ottawa was EXTREMELY cold!!! but I really enjoyed my visit and I got the opportunity to try butter chicken at an Indian restaurant (which I was probably under dressed for :P). A few days later my parents came to pick me and my sister up to head to Montreal to visit our grandma!!! Grandma was really happy that we visited and we played one of Ray and Norm's board games that they recently got, that was defiantly and blast :] they have the coolest games!

Finally after Montreal, we headed back to Ottawa to pick up my sister's stuff and headed home. That was probably the most painful car ride ever, I couldn't even see anyone except for my dad who was right in front of me and throughout the car ride back her belongings were falling on me from everywhere =[ but my sister was worst off that me

Back home I met up with my friends. I headed over to Komal's first to give her a cupcake and just talk to her since I won't be able to for a while b/c she's heading back to school. Then I went to Host for lunch. The food there was really delicious and it was definitely nice to see everyone!!! :] and then I headed over to Alana's to see her and Spencer :] I'm really going to miss hanging out with her and Jenn during the school term :[

Oh btw, I wanted to share with you pictures of the magnets I made for Alana, I made some other ones before but forgot to take picture and already gave them away but they have a nice home :]

I have some very exciting news!!! =] as you may have notice I've been eating Indian food recently, well for the next three months, I will probably be eating Indian food everyday!!! I'm going to India for my work term, just got accepted today!!! So excited, I'm slightly worried but I'm also too excited and thankful to be worrying too much. This is such an amazing opportunity!!! and I was getting worried about finding a job, I'm really thankful :]

and starting tomorrow, I think I will be going to YMCA to exercise b/c ever since I came home I've been eating like no tomorrow :[ too much yummy food at home and no one to stop me

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