Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween! =]

Yes, I should really be studying but it's halloween and everyone's doing something so... I think I should be allowed to bake =]. Anyways I tried making Spooky Ghost Meringues and brownies because I was afraid that my eggs would expire soon =P. Here's some pictures!!! =D

Monday, August 17, 2009


I just submitted both my designs and hopefully they will be up for voting soon, if you'd like to vote for them here's the links: Bearcake and NINJAS!!!, thankss!! =D

Monday, August 10, 2009


So I have officially quit Wal-Mart (about a week and a half ago) because I needed more time to prep for university but knowing me, I didn't do anything but procrastinate -____-". For the past week I was knitting, well attempting to, so far I have one mitten but it's pretty bad, the thumb space can fit about two thumbs and the hand space is really tight BUT I used recycled yarn =D which is always exciting and awesome! Then after my failed attempt at knitting a came across this really neat site: click here their shirt designs are really original! So I got all excited and decide to participate and design my own shirt but definitely does not look as good as the printed ones, below is a picture of it. I find that it's kind of empty or chunky so if you want to critique it and help me out =D click here.I'm working on another one right now, I'll post it up when I'm done =3. But I really need to prep =[ so after this design I don't think I'll have time to do anymore because I need to hit the books =[ some summer... and I guess I'll have to change my occupation to starving unemployed student...

Friday, June 26, 2009


I went to watch Up with Janet and Belle today and the movie was really awesome but when I came out of the theater I was kind of o_O mainly because I was really tired since my aunt arrived from Montreal yesterday at around 1am and I couldn't sleep till 3. -__-" I tried sleeping just now but wasn't able to so hopefully tonight I will be extremely tired and just die when I reach my bed : ) Since I've got time to kill, I will post up pictures of what I did yesterday at work while I'm doing some uni stuff (which I'm dreading!!!). As you will see, I had a lot of free time yesterday and worked really slowly but I managed to run out of time to take a break and the lead manager wasn't very happy so I told her I will make sure I take my breaks next time ;) hehehe ( it's not that I don't like taking my breaks, it's just really pointless to go for 15 or 30 minute breaks because by the time I reach there and back, that's pretty much my break so anyways, PICTURES!!! =] ).

An elephant and a mammoth ^^, I was thinking of Ice Age hehehehe
I was making the bee and my friend thought I was making a crab so after the bee I decided to make a crab and we had a whole conversation to determine whether Mr. Krabs was a crab or lobster even though his name gives it away =]

Since I've been making beaded chickens, chickens have been in my head for a while so I made a chicken cake :3

Preparing for Canada Day. Since most people think of snow and igloos when they think of Canada, why not give them a polar bears cake.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mango!!! =d

I've been wanting to bake for a while but my last few attempts were extremely unsucssessful!!! For some weird reason they always overflow and ends up burnt in my oven. But I came across Florence's website ( which made me really want to bake so that's what I've been doing for the last couple of hours. When I finished baking the chiffon cake, I was exremly happy because everything was actually working out untill the part with the mousse -___-". I was reading some of the comments on the mango mousse and reliezed that I made a huge mistake, my whipping cream was kept at room temp. which would have explained why it didn't look like a mousse that much so I whipped it even more which caused the butter to seperate, which meant it was compeltely useless now. So I tried pouring it into a bag so that I could throw it out but who knew the bag would move >=[ (they're very deceiving creature) so some of it splashed on the floor but my mom was on the phone so she doesn't really know since I kind of cleaned it up before she came down =]. But I made a new batch so now one set of cake has the old batch and one set has the new one. I think I'll let it set overnight and try to decorate it tomorrow, lets hope they both turn out okay!!!

I will post pictures tomorrow! =]

Tomorrow (which is now today : ] ):

Just finished decorating and here are the pictures, the whipped cream is kind of nasty but everything from the recipe is really good. It's kind of badly decorated, not really good a decorating asian cakes -____-".

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Being a kid :3

I think I might be the most childish one at work, if you happen to walk by the cake counter, you might see me hopping across the bakery or playing with the Deco toys :3 Well basically this week (last two days) I've been making kiwis and cupcake cakes (try guessing what they are before you read my description because some of my co-workers didn't really get it -____-".

Day 1:


Day 2:

kiwi!!!... yes, again

bumble beee- they though it was a fish ):

monkying around >_<- one of them thought it was a poodle lol

Update : )

I’ve been planning to create a blog for the longest time but never really got around to doing so but I've stored up a couple of photos to share with yall hehehe :3

Basically I started decorating when Wal-Mart hired me as a pt cake decorator and I just recently returned to work because school's over and I need money since next year I'll be going to University o__O!

So here's a quick timeline of me decorating life up till now:

March 14th 2009: Hoping into Spring (Portfolio)
I made it for my portfolio for university and just for fun- tried to make March a bit more colourful because it was constantly raining cats and dogs :3. I was again inspired by Su-Yin.
Feb. 7th-March 27th 2009: Floral Bracelet
This has nothing to do with cake decorating but I just wated to share this with everyone :3, I was inspired by Gulguvenc ( I know, it's not as beautiful as her designs but it was my attempt and I tried!

Dec. 19th 2008: Playing With Fondant- Winter
First time using fondant and the idea was obtained from Su-Yin (, she's such an AMAZING decorator!!!

Nov. 1st 2008: Winter Cakes @ Wal-Mart
At this point, I only worked once a week at Wal-Mart so they basically let me decorate their seasonal cakes, which was AWESOME!!!!! These were the first designs I made that I kind of liked : )

June 1st-22nd 2008: Wilton's Course 2
After Course 1, obviously you'll take Course 2, which is what I did (esp. since they gave me a discount!). So up till the last class I was able to attend because I wasn't scheduled for work. Since I wasn't able to attend the last class I never got to do the finale cake so I saved all my flowers and decorations for my friend's birthday cake which is why it's different from the Wilton's Course 2 cake.

May 4th-25th 2008: Wilton's Course 1
Okay, this was when I was learning the basic techniques so don't laugh! I really didn't want to put the rainbow cake but I'll share it with you guys (and it wasn't even my first cake, my first one I did it @ Wal-Mart but I don't have a picture of it).